Sunday, September 7, 2008

Still no Quasi...

A second trip to Notre Dame today, but with Rupert this time and STILL no Quasimodo sitings. We toured the grounds and inside the church and planned to go up the tower and search for Quasi, but we didn't think the girls would weather the long line up well. So we decided to come back another day. We had a lovely afternoon anyway, feeding the birds, admiring the gargoyles and flying buttresses and Rupert's favorite, of course was the everso masculine statue of Charlemagne. "Sheer power" he says.

Today was our first car ride in a month. The girls were absolutely giddy over the experience. You would swear they were on a roller coaster. Poppy said it was like being at the fair.

Rupert, D & P with Charlemagne

Hike those pants up a bit further and he may even pass as a real frenchman

Feeding the birds

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