Most of the city just leave them on the street and the daily (yes daily) garbage pick up, carts them away with the rest of the garbage. But despite Paris's bad rap for recycling, the city does offer tree recycling at designated parks.
There wasn't much left of our tree to recycle, after we dragged it to our not so convenient park, but we did pick up a tip while we were there. A man and his family were taking all of the log stands off the bottom of the trees and taking them home for firewood. Like most things here, firewood is not cheap and over the next week or so, the streets are going to covered with free firewood. My first attempts to get the stand off the trunk have been unsuccessful, but I have put a hammer in my purse for tomorrow and I am hoping for better success.
Happy mulching

Sitting here with Gayla and Tasha on Mark's birthday. J&K+2 were here for supper. This is the first time G&T have seen your blog- very impressed and thinl its a great idea. Love from us all. Mum
So glad you had what looks like a lovely holiday. The kids look great and I'm very jealous! Continue to do well. I miss having you to talk to!
How is the hunt for firewood going?
I keep thinking about you roaming the streets of Paris with a hammer in your sylish purse ready to assault dead Christmas Trees.
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