Friday, November 21, 2008

Hockey sur last

Well it finally happened. Last night I played hockey…in Paris. Fantastic!!! After months of searching the web, our family doctor made a couple of calls (one to a contact at the Canadian embassy – daaa), and I was on my way to Colombes for my first practice.

I took the metro (x2 transfers), a regional train, and grabbed a lift with a new team mate, and played with 15 guys (all French except for 2 other Canadians) in a “practice/scrimmage session”. They are a hockey club of mixes ages (mostly +30) that practice (pick up x2) a week, and have friendly matches every other weekend.

I was very out of shape, and puffing almost immediately, but must have showed a little Canadian moxy as they asked me if I would join, and could I play in their matches? :). They are the only club at their rink, so you can permanently leave your equipment in the dressing room - a nice feature! It’s a bit of a trek to get out there, but I am totally psyched.

My body, and mental well being will get a big lift and I can practice my French with my new teammates. Here is a link to the club website which is two years out of date, but as Guy, my hockey guy embassy contact says, you’ll get the idea. More on the hockey sur glace scene in Paris later…

1 comment:

cherry said...

You sound better already!!
Work on the house going well --- we never did set up a communication channel for the Goodman place.

Love M&M