I have to say, that I have been avoiding running since we got here. You don’t exactly see a lot of runners here and I didn’t want inadvertently defy some Parisian politesse. Parisians visiting Ottawa must think we are a bunch of running lunatics - you can’t swing a dead cat at home, without hitting a runner.
Our landlord had told us, that he goes for a run every day, around the perimeter path of the Champs de Mars (Park in front of the Eiffel Tower & 3min from our flat). With that tip, today was as good of a day, as any, to experiment with a route.
The Champs de Mars loop, did reveal a number of joggers (tourists?), so I now feel more comfortable picking the pace up, beyond a brisk walk. Most of the path is wide and uncongested, except at one end, which takes you straight through the crowds, at the base of Eiffel tower. A somewhat surreal experience for me, somehow this just didn’t seem to compare to running through the people waiting for the bus at Tunney’s Pasture.
After the run,

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