So MJ and I shipped P&D off to Kingston, The County and Ahmerst Island for some quality grand parent, cousin & aunt and uncle time (thank you everyone - they had a great time), and we headed to Paris for our official "Look see" trip. We arrived on Wednesday, and came home on Sunday. We toured ~15 apartments, 4 schools & one bank. Wow, what a intense few days. Our Paris housing guide extraordinaire Pascaline (16 yrs in the business) really knows her stuff, and we came home with a short list of apartments (in the 7th & 16th), two school options & a new French bank account. We spent the last 1.5 days exploring neighbourhoods, testing walking distances and the Metro. We had an excellent dinner at Bowfinger and champagne cocktail at Buddha Bar.
Just prove we were there, MJ shot the standard tourist shot of yours truly with the ET -- D wanted to know where mommy was when I showed her the pic:). - rbc
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