Our proud Flocon
P's week was focused on passing her ski level and getting her Flocon badge. She talked about it so much, I started to worry if would she pass. Surely they pass everyone at this low of a level? I asked my Ski instructor and she said, yes, they do in fact fail the poor little things. Rupert and I were quite worried at the big awards ceremony - would she pass and if not would they treat the children who didn't pass with some sensitivity? This is France after all, where sugar coating is generally reserved for pastries. In the end she passed...phew... and she wears her Flocon pin proudly.
P completing her ski exam
We ended our week by taking the girls in the egg gondola (very euro) up the mountain. A couple of wrong turns down some very steep slopes and the girls ski lessons were really put to the test. P really loves speed, and was shooting down in a tuck position most of the way. This was a real highlight for Rupert who was in his jock element and was very proud.

D's focus for the week was the big mini club spectacle. Nothing could keep her away from participating. It's amazing that Club Med could pull together over 200 kids, under the age of 10 in 15 odd numbers, but they really pulled it off - it was a blast. Click the link and see D wiggle in her brazilian number (she starts out second from left).
Leading up to the trip, I was very curious to see how a French ski vacation might differ from Canadian one. In the end, it was pretty much the same, even the ski fashion. My visions of sparkly one piece ski suits and crowds of Parisians clad in fur were not realized. But then there were the Moon Boots. They were everywhere, on everyone and in every color. Please don't tell if these are a la mode in Whistler, I can't bear it.